Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A little bit of this, a little bit of that

I realized that I have been a very bad blogger the past couple of months.  My sincerest apology, but let me explain.  Lately I have spent a considerably longer time staring at my computer at work.  About 9 hours to be exact.  I am involved in testing on a HUGE project that is set to go live in a few weeks and I literally sit in a hot little room crammed full of computers and people and repeatedly test and troubleshoot errors.  Strangely enough, I like the work, but it gets harder to return emails in the evening or blog.  The other night Michael and I were IM'ing and I finally said "can I just call you?  My eyes are shot".  Starting today, I will be locked in a room with 6 other people just testing, but at least this new testing room is air-conditioned!  In fact, tomorrow it is going to feel like factory work since our goal is to test and fix 800 meds.  Evidently we have 2,700 medications that need tested between now and the end of the week (yay, I'm off on Friday!).   The plus side?  I have been partnered up with a super cute guy, married of course, but quite cute and charming!  It certainly makes the day pass faster. 

As I mentioned I will be off on Friday.  Kris and I had initially planned a fun 4 day weekend that included a trip to Chicago for the Summer festival in Chinatown.  Our little mini-vacation plans have changed considerably, but hell or high water I am leaving this town!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

let's talk about you having friday off and getting out of town.