Sunday, November 19, 2006

Plop plop, fizz fizz

I am nearly finished with my dossier. The high that I had when I was feverishly rushing through document collection has been replaced by relief. I'm also finally beginning to get some sleep. There for a while I was so busy, so determined to complete my dossier as fast as possible that I had to sacrifice a lot of me time.'s time to take a breath and relax and prepare for the next part....waiting. Right now I'm waiting for my final home study report. I reviewed the draft yesterday and with the exception of a few grammar and cosmetic errors, it looks good. It's so odd to read about myself from a third-person perspective. Some things made me pause and then giggle. I know how I am, but to read it from another perspective I sound like someone else. Under the Home/Neighborhood Section I pondered these next two sentence: Erica grew up in the country and knows how to shoot guns. She owns a gun which has a safely lock on it and is secured in a lock box.
Yes, I do own a gun and at the time I bought it I felt it was necessary. My job often sent me into dangerous areas and I had witnessed violence first hand. I carried pepper spray and sometimes a gun at that time. I did grow up around guns and I have taken gun safety courses as well as markmanship training. But by the time MayLing arrives, I doubt I will have a gun. I guess my liberal side hasn't quite made peace with my redneck side.
Ultimately, none of this matters. In the summary and recommendation section my wonderful social worker wrote these words, "It is recommended that Erica be approved for the adoption of a healthy Chinese female between birth and 15 months of age." I can't think of a more beautiful proclamation than that!

In celebration, my friend Sherry and I ate greasy Chinese food Friday night and had one wine cooler a piece. That may not sound like much, but for a woman has felt very emotionally pregnant the last 6 weeks and for a woman that recently adopted a young daughter, the fizzy carbonation of an 'adult' beverage felt very indulgent. Thank you Bartles&Jaymes!

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