Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Clay Aiken announced today that he is gay.  Really?  Gay?  Had no one picked up on this before?  clay_aiken

He reported that he made the decision to come out after deciding he didn't want his son to think lying was ok.  Good for him!  I can't imagine how hard it is to live life with a huge secret hanging over your head.  Lucky for him, I think most people already know. 

Unfortunately, all the rabid Claymates may need to find someone else to throw their undies at.  I'm sure Clay will be relieved.  

Monday, September 22, 2008

Weirdness Abounds

I took today off from work so I could sleep.  Truly, I am that tired and overworked.  Would you like to guess what woke me up at 11:07 am?  Not the cat (although she had been obnoxious), not the lawn mower down the road--it was a low flying plane.  Yep, I seriously grabbed the cat and hit the deck and said, "oh, sh**!".  Yeah, my sister and I have had the conversation that nearly every time I encounter something life defying that my response is "oh sh*t!".  I'm not proud, I truly am not.  I'm afraid one of these times it is going to be the big one and the last words I utter before encountering the pearly gates is going to be "oh sh*t".  Hopefully God has a sense of humor. 

The other weirdo moment happened last night.  I HATE receiving advertisements from credit card companies, I hate that they sell my personal information to other vendors so that THEY can also harass me.  So when I saw the opt-out insert they tucked behind my last bill, I wanted to make a point of calling.  When I called a husky voiced from a wo/man (not too sure, folks) answered.  When I told him/her what I wanted s/he asked why I called this number.  Considering I had just given her my credit card number I started getting very nervous, especially since this is on the heels of the PayPal Fiasco of my birthday (someone stole my account and bought an Audi car).  I explained that the number I called was the number that was provided.  So s/he was chatty and was asking about if I had been affected by Hurricane Ike.  It seems kind of stupid to even admit it since I live in Indiana, but yeah, we got hit kind of hard. Besides Texas, we were the next state with the highest number of lives lost due to the storm.  S/he asks about the storm twice (what the heck?).  Then she finishes my transaction.  I asked her what I needed to do since I am planning on going overseas in a couple of months.  She then starts telling me to take Immodium because of the food.  Honestly, I've eaten some foods both here and abroad that I'm not proud of.  The last thing I want to do is sssllllooooww their exit out of me.  You understand?

At this point s/he realizes I'm a nurse and starts telling me about her cheating ex-husband.  She says since you are a nurse you will understand this, "I started dosing him with spironolactalone and an anti-psychotic and he was not the same after that." 

Ok, does that scare you at all?  Honestly, it did me.  I didn't even know some of the effects of spironolactalone until recently (among other things it suppresses testosterone) but having some fruit loop on the phone admit to poisoning someone, well, that's just not right.  That reminds me, I probably need to check my credit again...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

My poor, poor neglected blog

Yep, it is truly a neglected blog and for that I am sorry.  I think the hard part is having so much going on in my life, but so little that I can publicly share in a worldwide forum such as this one.  So, I choose not to talk at all.  If it makes you feel better, I actually do the same things to my friends (how sad that I shut them out when I can't share things). 

Unfortunately I don't have adoption news to share.  Most of what I am dealing with is work related stress and given my current job and the tech people I work with, I realize it is not wise to unload those things here.  I guess I am actually getting wiser the older I get.  A few weeks ago a colleague asking my opinion on something and as I opened my mouth to speak (realizing at that moment that my opinion would likely not be in the majority and therefore it was open to attack) I shut it and said "never mind".  That actually speaks just as loudly, but now I don't leave a verbal trail that might hang me later. 

There is some good news in adoption land though, the CCAA is finally matching families and children in February 2006.  Whoo hoo!  Right now I'm a year and 3 days behind where they currently are.  That feels better than where I was sitting six months ago! 

The birthday did suck a bit, but I'm a big girl, I can handle it.  My friends made up for the other shortcomings and I couldn't believe some of the awesome gifts I got.  Plus, my sister bought me the last two books of the Twilight series and I am dying to dig into them (did you get the joke on that one?)!  I'm actually re-reading the first one right now and I'm going to take book 3 with me tomorrow as I head out to Georgia for training.  Please say a prayer that I don't have too many problems from the hurricanes.